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HKDSE question papers - business, accounting and financial studies 2024 (with marking schemes and comments on candidates' performance)
副標題 :
作者 : Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
分類 : Business Accounting & Financial Studies (BAFS)
索書號 : R371.2
關鍵字 :
Territory-wide system assessment, 2023
副標題 : Report on the Basic Competencies of students in Chiness Language, English Language and Mathematics
分類 : Assessment (ASSESS)
索書號 : ASSESS
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 1
副標題 : The bad beginning
作者 : SNICKET, Lemony
分類 : English Language (EN)
索書號 : F
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 11
副標題 : The Grim Grotto
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 2
副標題 : The Reptile Room
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 3
副標題 : The Wide Window
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 4
副標題 : The Miserable Mill
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 5
副標題 : The Austere Academy
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 6
副標題 : The Ersatz Elevator
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 7
副標題 : The Vile Village
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 8
副標題 : The Hostile Hospital
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 9
副標題 : The Carnivorous Carnival
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 10
副標題 : The Slippery Slope
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 12
副標題 : The Penultimate Peril
A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket 13
副標題 : The end
作者 : Daniel Handler
HKDSE question papers business, accounting and financial studies 2023 (with marking schemes and comments on candidates' performance)
Harry potter
副標題 : sheet music from the complete film series
作者 : JOHN Williams
分類 : Multiple Arts (MA)
索書號 : 782.8
HKDSE question papers - business, accounting and financial studies 2022 (with marking schemes and comments on candidates' performance)
人文 ‧ 教室 發展初中歷史科人文素養教材套
副標題 : Between choices a history teaching package for junior form students' humanistic qualities
作者 : 盧家鴻
分類 : Integrated Humanities (IH)
索書號 : IH
The first democracies
作者 : WARING, Rob
分類 : Liberal Studies (LB)
索書號 : 320